Mom’s secret sex life with her in-laws dirtysextales

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Previous Part: Chronicles of Freya – Part 2 (My First Paid Sex)

It was many years ago. I was just a young and naïve teenager back then. My mom and I were on a plane to New York. From there, we had a connecting flight that would take us to Dallas, Texas.

Well, my Dad was American. He was white and blonde, tall and charming and handsome. His name was Gabriel Nippi. My mother was Indian. Elegant and beautiful. Her name was Sulekha Yadav. After their wedding, Dad decided to move to India. My siblings and I were born here only.

We were going there to attend the wedding of my cousin-sister. She was the daughter of my Bua (Aunt Gloria). Aunt Gloria was my Dad’s half-sister. They both had the same mother but different fathers. My Dadi had 3 children from her first marriage. 2 sons and 1 daughter.

Aunt Gloria was the second eldest. She was 8 years older than my father. My Dadi was 15 years older than my grandfather. She was my grandfather’s teacher. They had an affair, and my grandfather got my Dadi pregnant. The age difference between my Dad and my grandfather was just 13 years.

My Dad didn’t come along because he had some work. But honestly, it was because he and my Fupha (Aunt Gloria’s husband) didn’t look eye to eye. Long back, the two of them had a big fight. Neither of them apologised to the other, and the differences between them grew.

On the other hand, my mom and my aunt got along well. Hence, when the invitation came, my Dad asked my mom to attend the wedding. I travelled along with her.

It was the middle of August. The American summer was underway in full flow. Our plane landed in Dallas. My grandfather had come to pick us up at the airport. He used to live alone in a big house. My Dadi had passed away a few years prior. He never remarried after her death.

“Grand D,” I exclaimed when I saw him. My siblings and I called him ‘Grand D’.

I left the trolley and ran to him, and hugged him. He hugged me back with delight. My grandfather was a tall guy. Back then, he was in his late 50s. His hair had started to turn grey, but he still maintained a major part of his red head.

“Look at you. You have gotten taller than before. And have grown into a fine young girl,” he said cheerfully.

“Oh please, Grand D! I haven’t grown an inch in the last 4 years. I’m just a 5 feet 2 dwarf,” I replied ruefully.

“That’s not a bad height. And look how beautiful you are. And charming as well.”

“Aww, Grand D. You are always so sweet,” I blushed.

“You are the sweetest, though,” he remarked charmingly and kissed me on my cheeks.

“Hi, Frank! How are you?” Mom greeted my grandfather. She always addressed him by his first name because you don’t call your father-in-law ‘dad’ in the US.

“Sulekha, my dear! It’s so good to see you,” Grand D hugged mom. He kissed mom on her cheeks, her neck, her forehead, her eyes, her nose, her chin, and her chest. He squeezed mom’s butt. Mom gave a jump in his arms. “How was your flight?”

“It was good. A bit long and tiring,” mom replied sweetly.

“Let me take you home. A good nap will do wonders for you.”

He joined mom behind the trolley. Mom put an arm around his waist. In turn, he shoved his hand down my mom’s pants. Mom’s pants were tight around her waist and ass. I could see him moving his hand over her butt and down her ass-crack. Mom kissed him on his cheeks and the back of his neck now and then.

He moved his hand further down, and mom gave another jump. She giggled and bit his earlobe seductively. His house was 40-minutes away from the airport, and the traffic made the drive even longer. Mom sat in the front, next to the driving seat.

She unbuttoned her blue shirt, claiming that she was feeling too hot and needed to dry herself off. Time and time again, Grand D would move his hand across to touch my mom’s body. He would rub her thigh, caressing her belly, or stick it in the back of her neck.

When our move was halted by heavy traffic, he would move his hand all over my mother’s chest. He would stick his hand inside my mom’s bra and feel her breasts. Mom would do nothing but smile.

I was neither shocked nor curious about these things. For one, back then, I did not know about sex. Although, at that age, I probably should have. But I didn’t. The second reason was that my siblings and I had seen Grand D behave like this with mom many times.

When Dad wasn’t around, Grand D would do things like this with mom. He would smack her ass, caress her butt, stick his hand down her pants or up her bra, or kiss her all over. So, it wasn’t anything new that I was seeing.

We arrived at his house, finally. Grand D carried our luggage to our room upstairs. We were kept in my Dad’s old room. It had Dad’s old stuff in there. His pictures from his childhood were there too. There was a photograph of him with Grand D, holding a big fish in his hand.

Another one was with my deceased grandmother on a beach. There was one with all his siblings together. They were all framed and kept on the nightstand. Mom and I took showers one by one. Then we both got in bed and took a nap. We were too tired from the flight.

We woke up around 2 p.m., which was way past lunchtime, in my Grand D’s house. But for us, he was always ready to make adjustments.

Around 4 p.m., my Dad’s oldest half-brother arrived as well. His name was Russell. Uncle Russell was my grandmother’s first child from her first marriage. Uncle Russell was 49 back then. He had three sons. Two were older than me, and one was younger than me.

“Uncle Russell,” I greeted him cheerfully.

“Freya, my lovely niece,” he embraced me warmly, “how long has it been since we last met?”

“6 years,” I answered immediately.

“Oh yes, that’s so long. You used to be a kid back then,” he held me at arm’s length and admired me, “now look at you. Such a charming young girl. Just oozing with pure beauty. Looks like you take after your mom. Speaking of which, where is your mom?”

“She went to the store to buy some stuff. She’ll be back in no time,” I replied cheerfully, “Where are Michael Bhaiya, Shaun bhaiya, and Rodney?”

Yes, I called my elder cousin bhaiya. I know, in the US, you address your siblings and cousins by their first name and that there’s no concept of bhaiya and didi. But I addressed my older cousins as bhaiya and didi, and they seemed to like it.

“They are outside. Unloading the luggage,” he answered.

I ran outside to meet them. They were by the car, unloading as uncle Russell had said.

“Hey, Rodney,” I hugged my younger cousin. He hugged me back. “Shaun bhaiya,” I hugged my second cousin, “Michael bhaiya,” I hugged my eldest cousin last. The other two had gone inside the house with their share of luggage.

“Freya,” he hugged me back. He hugged me too tight. My breasts pressed against his chest. He was big, muscular, and strong. He wrapped his hands around me and picked me up. I giggled. He sat me down.

“Give me a kiss,” he said. I gave a peck on his cheek. “Not like that. Don’t you remember what I taught you?”

“I’m a grown-up girl now. Not a child anymore,” I replied.

“So, you are still you, and I am still me. I taught you the way boys and girls are supposed to kiss,” he argued.

“Even the grown-up ones?” I quizzed.

“Especially the grown-up ones,” he replied.

I leapt forward and put my hands around his head. He leaned, put his arms around my waist, and pulled me closer. Our lips locked. We smooched. It was what he had taught me the last time we had met. He visited us in India a few years back. That’s when he taught me how to smooch.

Back then, I was too young to feel anything. This time, it was different. As soon as my lips met his, I felt a strange sensation between my thighs. My legs trembled. I left a tingle in my vagina. I had never felt it before. My nipple began to get hard. The feeling got stronger when he slipped his hands down my shorts.

He slipped them inside my panties and squeezed my butt just like Grand D had done with my mom. He pushed his finger into my ass-crack, and I felt something poking into my belly. Something hard. I broke off and noticed a bulge in his jeans. I blushed. He smiled.

I went inside and went straight into my room. I closed the door, unbuckled my shorts, pushed it down my legs, and slipped on my panties. There was a wet patch on the string. I felt my vagina with my fingers. It was wet, and it felt warm.

I heard mom’s voice coming from downstairs. She appeared to be cheerful. I opened the door and peeked through the crack. One could see the living room downstairs through the spacing between the columns of the railing of the stairs.

Mom had just entered through the front door. She had bags in her hands. She put them down and greeted my Uncle and Michael bhaiya. Shaun bhaiya and Rodney were in their room. Grand D moved behind her to close the door. She hugged Uncle Russell.

They kissed just as Michael bhaiya had kissed me earlier. Uncle Russell grabbed the waistband of her jeans. He tried to pull them down, but the jeans were too tight. As a result, he tore them slightly. It got ripped from the back and exposed my mom’s G-string and her butt.

“Hey, wait for the night. When Freya’s asleep,” mom said, breaking off the kiss.

“Aunt Sulekha,” Michael bhaiya cried cheerfully and threw himself at my mom.

“Michael,” mom embraced him. They kissed. He grabbed my mom’s boobs and pressed them.

“Take it easy, sweetheart. Wait for the night.”

“Sure, my favourite Aunt,” Michael bhaiya said. He slapped mom’s ass as she made her way toward the stairs.

A couple of hours later, we all headed out to meet my cousin-sister, who was getting married. She had invited us all to have dinner together, like one big family.

Later that night, I was lying on my side of the bed. My eyes were shut, but I wasn’t asleep. I was still thinking about that kiss earlier. Suddenly, I felt mom move. She got out of bed and came over to my side. I kept my eyes closed. She brushed my hair with her fingers.

After that, I heard the door being opened and closed. Mom had left. I got out of bed, slipped my feet into my slippers, and got to the door. I turned the knob and quietly opened a crack. I peeked. Mom was moving down the stairs. I opened a bigger crack in the door and crawled out.

Mom had just stepped off the stairs. I crawled towards the stairs to stay out of sight. Mom knocked at Grand D’s door. He answered and administered mom inside.

Just then, I heard another door opening. This one was right behind me. I was dumbfounded. I felt like my soul had left my body. I was scared and frozen on the spot. Out of the dark, Rodney came out. He and Shaun bhaiya were in the room next to mine and mom.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Shh, just whisper,” I said immediately, “I just saw my mom walk into Grand D’s room.”

“So?” he asked, shrugging.

“I wanna know what they are doing!”

Just then, I heard another door opening. This time, it was downstairs. Rodney and I peeked over the railing. Uncle Russell and Michael bhaiya came out of their room and knocked on Grand D’s door. They, too, were administered inside. My curiosity grew even more.

“What are they all doing?” Rodney asked.

“Let’s find out,” I whispered.

“They are doing it in secret. They don’t want us to know. How will we find out? They won’t let us in if we knock. Or won’t do whatever they are about to,” Rodney said correctly.

“Grand D always keeps his window open at night. If we sneak out into the backyard, through the back door in the kitchen. We can hide in the dark and look inside through his window,” I suggested.

“They would know,” Rodney said gravely.

“It’s dark. They won’t be able to see us,” I replied.

We tip-toed down the stairs. We sprinted into the kitchen and very quietly opened the back door. Once in the backyard, we approached Grand D’s window. As suspected, it was open, and the curtains were left undrawn. There were plants on the sill, but they didn’t pose any problem. The bed faced the window.

We stood at some distance from the window so as the light from the room didn’t reach us. Inside, Grand D was on his bed, and Uncle Russell and Michael bhaiya sat in the chairs. All 3 of them were naked and stroking their dicks.

“Why are they naked?” Rodney whispered.

“How would I know,” I whispered back.

Just then, mom came out of the bathroom. She was wearing her nightgown. Uncle Russell got off the chair and took my mom in his arms. They kissed. There was real passion in their kiss. I was immediately reminded of my kiss with Michael bhaiya in the evening.

The mere thought of it brought that tingle back. Uncle Russell undid mom’s belt and slowly pushed her gown off her shoulders. It slipped right off mom’s body like she was made of oil. Mom was in his arms and completely naked. She lifted her right leg and wrapped it around his waist.

His left hand moved down my mom’s back and grabbed her butt. With his tongue, he licked my mom’s lips, then her chin. He kissed her neck as mom threw her head back. He squatted, kissed her big bare breasts, and picked her up. Mom wrapped her other leg around his waist and her arms around his neck.

He dropped her on the bed, and they kissed again. He kissed her neck again and slowly moved down her body. He kissed her cleavage, then both her breasts. He licked and bit her nipples. Mom combed his hair with her fingers. He kissed her belly and buried his face between her legs. Mom giggled as he did that.

Michael bhaiya came over as well. He was stroking his cock. He sat next to my mom and wrapped his lips around her nipples. Mom caressed his head while he sucked her boobs like a mother would when her baby sucked milk from her breasts.

Grand D sat next to my mom’s face. Mom took his cock in her hand. She stroked it a few times and then took it in her mouth. I looked next to myself. Rodney’s eyes were fixed on the window. He was twitching. My eyes followed the movement of his hands.

Back then, I had no idea what he was doing. But now I know that the scene must have given him an erection. He was trying to adjust his underwear as his erect dick was giving him problems. The poor fellow was as ignorant about sex back then as I was.

“Oh yes, Sulekha, oh yes, keep it going. I’m cumming,” Grand D exclaimed. He pulled mom’s head up by her hair and shoved it into his crotch. His eyes rolled back, and he let out a great sigh. “What a relief,” he said slowly as he pulled his cock out of my mom’s mouth.

“Did you get it all,” Michael bhaiya asked, smiling. Mom opened her mouth. He peeked into it. “That’s nasty,” he remarked.

“I’m a nasty woman – ahhhh – Russell, ouch, don’t bite,” she cried.

“How can I not bite this cherry,” Uncle Russell pulled his head up and smiled.

“That was some load, Grand D. You still got it after all,” Michael bhaiya remarked.

“I can still outlast both of you,” Grand D replied.

“Challenge accepted, old man,” Michael bhaiya said, clicking his fingers.

“Ready for the next stage,” uncle Russell said.

“Yes, baby,” mom replied seductively.

There was a white metal table in the backyard. Rodney and I climbed on top of it and sat down on it on our knees. Uncle Russell kissed mom’s belly. Mom opened her legs. He rubbed her cunt. Though I couldn’t see it back then (as she had her side facing us), I know now what he would have done.

Mom arched her back. Uncle Russell stroked his cock before entering mom. Mom gasped when his cock moved inside her pussy.

“Oh, Russell,” she gasped again, “Oh, Russell.”

“I missed you so much, Sulekha,” Uncle Russell said. He grabbed mom’s waist and began pounding her pussy.

“Oh yes, Russell, oh yes, oh baby, it feels so good, yes baby, it feels so good. It feels great to have you inside me again. Oh yes, baby, It’s been so long since my cunt has felt your cock. Oh baby, oh yes, fuck me, fuck it, give my cunt what it wants, oh yes baby, oh yes,” mom moaned.

“Oh, Sulekha, I had been dying to taste your brown pussy. Oh, baby, you are the best,” Uncle Russell moaned.

Rodney and I were sitting on that table, shoulder to shoulder, watching all this. No one inside had any idea that we were there. I would feel Rodney’s left arm moving. But my eyes were fixed on the window. Probably his were too.

I didn’t even realise when I slipped my left hand inside my pyjamas and panties. I was rubbing my pussy. It was wet and warm. The funny thing was, I had never done it before nor knew how to do it. But at that moment, it all happened naturally. Like my body knew how to do it.

“Oh Sulekha, oh yes, baby, I’m cumming,” Uncle Russell exclaimed.

“Cum in me, baby, cum in me, cum inside me, let my pussy feel the warmth of your juice once more, cum in me,” mom cried quietly.

“Oh, Sulekha,” Uncle Russell grunted. He grabbed mom by her waist and gave 3 strong thrusts. He threw his head back and grunted again.

“That’s it, baby, that’s it, like that, ahhh, just like that,” mom said encouragingly.

He pulled out after that. His cock was limp, and something white dripped from the tip. He moved away, and Michael bhaiya took his place. He flipped mom over. She got on all her fours. Michael bhaiya slapped her ass, then, after spitting on his dick, he shoved it in.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” mom screamed in agony, “WRONG HOLE, WRONG HOLE,” she cried.

“It’s the right hole for me,” Michael bhaiya smirked.

He pulled mom’s hair like a horse rein and began pounding her. Initially, he moved slowly. It felt like he was encountering some resistance. But after some time, his movements got faster.

“Michael, please, Michael, please, It hurts, pleases, Michael, stick it in my pussy, please honey, stick it in my pussy, it hurts there,” mom pleaded.

“Nope,” Michael bhaiya refused.

“Please take it out, please take it out,” mom continued crying, but Michael bhaiya didn’t stop.

I was feeling hotter. My right hand moved over my chest, automatically unbuttoning my shirt. At that point, I had forgotten about Rodney. I kicked my leg out while my left hand was pleasing my pussy. I was gasping with pleasure.

My heart was racing. My body was getting warmer, and my pussy was wetter. I was caressing my boobs now.

“Here it comes,” Michael bhaiya shouted.

Just like Uncle Russell, he grunted and gave 3 thrusts. He let go of mom’s hair and moved away. Mom buried her head into the bed and cried.

“It hurts, god, it hurts so much.”

“Come here, my beautiful child,” Grand D said.

He pulled mom close. He kissed her to calm her down. Then, she climbed over him. She sat on Grand D’s dick, and slowly it vanished inside her. She began bouncing on him. Her back was turned towards us. Grand D’s hands were on her chest.

“Oh, Sulekha, your tits feel so good in my hand,” Grand D said.

“Oh Frank, fuck me, honey, fuck me, fuck me, please,” mom moaned.

“Aren’t you a little slut?” Grand D commented.

“Yes baby, I’m a slut, ahhh, ahhh, yes, I’m your slut, yes, fuck me, ahhh, fuck me, ahhh, yes, fuck your slut,” mom cried.

Mom bent forward. Her butt opened up. Grand D’s big cock was inside her pussy. It was moving in and out like a drill. For her ass, I saw a white fluid oozing out. It was the same white fluid I had seen dripping from Uncle Russell’s cock.

“Oh baby, oh baby. You ready for my cum, oh baby, you want my cum,” Grand D grunted.

“Yes baby, yes, shoot it in me, oh yes, give it to me, please, give me, ahhh, yes, ahhh, fuck, yes, give me your seed,” mom grunted back.

“Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, here it comes.”

Mom straightened up. Grand D grabbed her butt. He moved his hips up and down. Mom bounced on the bed like she was riding a bull.

Outside, I was letting out quiet moans as well. My eyes were closed as I approached the climax. I had never felt like this before. It was a feeling I couldn’t express in words. My fingers moved in a circle over my clit.

“Ahh, ahh,” I moaned and then sighed. This colourless fluid burst out from between my legs. It was like my pussy had turned into a fountain. I laid back on the table and squirted for the first time. It took me a few minutes to get it all out. The initial burst was long, and I shot far out.

“Wow! How did you do that?” Rodney exclaimed.

It was then I was reminded of his presence. I looked to my right. He was there with his cock out. It was limp, and the same white fluid dripped from the tip. His face looked befuddled. I then looked at myself. My shirt was open, and my boobs were exposed.

I tried to feel my legs but my pyjamas and panties were there. I had inadvertently kicked them off. They were lying on the grass, under the table. I was naked next to my younger cousin. But I felt different. I felt reborn and relieved. And I wanted to feel like that again.

No one noticed us there. All 3 fucked mom until sunrise. It happened the next day as well. But I had something of my own planned as well.

That’s for this part, guys. Give your feedback at [email protected]. Till then, bye.

Next Part: Chronicles of Freya – Part 4 (Family secrets revealed)